Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I have just hiked 133 miles into Pie Town, NM. There is only a post office and  3 pie restaurant, so I am eating breakfast with the two hikers I just meet. They are Karma and Restless. We Pied out,  we were barely able to hold those sweets. We took a day off, Nina let us borrow a car, to get steaks and potatoes, which we grilled that night. Thanks to the sweet angel-Nina,  that ran the Toaster House, for my brown hat, she gave me. She drove us all over town, showed us the town. They had a big band day,  where Restless performed, along with many others. Going to post office, get my supplies and all 3 of us started off  to Grant, NM 85 miles  There has been no WI-FI, so unable to properly update blog with information & pictures. Will get back to y'all as soon as possible. Keep up the prayers.